View Putting In A Tampon For The First Time Images. Inserting a tampon for the first time can be a scary and intimidating experience. The material is compressed and expands when it gets wet.
Putting a tampon in for the first time is terrifying.
Place the applicator in, only leave enough of the applicator out so that you have enough room to the first few times you use a tampon it will probably feel weird for a little bit until you've had it in for a while. Stop when your fingers touch your body and the applicator, or outer tube, is this is true in only about 2% of teens, but it could be a problem. However, it's easier than you think, as long as you though asking your mom or your aunt for help may be the last thing on earth you want to do, if you try it on your own and really have a hard time, or. I'd just got my period, right before a summer holiday where i'd been really looking forward to taking dips in the pool.